January 14

The Whole Story

We’ve been looking at the parts of a tree on our hikes. If you find a tree stump, take a moment and study it. Do you see the rings? They tell a story. Listen to the informative video below that will explain how to interpret them. They don’t just tell us the age of a tree.
Click here for the Safeshare link.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 14

Another Look!

After you compare bark texture (previous post), look closely at the bark to see what other discoveries are awaiting you.

Have you ever found sections of bark ripped away from a tree? These scars, created by white-tailed deer, are called “buck rubs“. Male deer rub their antlers against trees to remove their antler velvet, mark their territory, or work off aggression.

What made the holes in this bark?

What do you think happened to this tree?

What caused the tree to grow like this?

What happened here?

If you are teaching virtually, use these photos as conversation starters and then send your students off to find discoveries of their own. Share their photos during your next class.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT