August 8


If you live in the Southern part of the United States, you’ve seen anoles! When I was young, we called them chameleons, but that name is incorrect. Like chameleons, anoles can change color from brown to emerald green. They move quickly, so I was surprised this lizard stood still for pictures.

An anole is a lizard and lizards are reptiles. Other reptiles include snakes, turtles, and alligators. Reptiles are one category of vertebrates (animals with bones). Reptiles have dry scaly skin. Most reptiles lay soft-shelled eggs. They breathe with lungs and are cold-blooded. Click here to learn more about reptiles.

Listen to the video to find out the answers: What do anoles eat? What is a dewlap?

Click here to watch full screen.

Click here to see a lab anole molt.

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August 3

Praying Mantis

I spied a praying mantis as I walked through my garden.

A praying mantis is a carnivore. The mantis will grab its prey with those front legs. Gardeners are a fan!

Do you know what is unique about the head of a praying mantis?

Click here for full screen and click here for the safeshare link.

While in my lab, I purchased praying mantis egg cases each spring. Click here to see what happened! The life cycle of a mantis is incomplete metamorphosis – egg, nymph, and adult. Click here to learn more about the life cycle.

I went into my garden the next day and discovered the mantis was green. They are masters of camouflage! Click here for more information about these fascinating creatures!

Let’s connect music with science. Click here for full screen and click here for the safeshare link.