October 7


We were so blessed to have the Daraja Choir visit us during chapel. These children are from Kenya and Uganda and will travel and perform across the United States for six months.The fifth grade classes and the Daraja choir are pen pals and our KR families have helped support them financially.

After chapel, the teachers who are traveling with them visited my science lab. Then we heard the singing across the hall.

May 22

Third Grade Visit

We visited with Ms. Reardon’s and Ms. Chandler’s third grade classes. Before we visited, we generated a list of questions that we wanted to ask the third grade experts. After our visit, we felt more confident about moving to third grade.

These are some of the questions we asked:
Why do you like third grade?
Do you have any class pets?
Is third grade a lot harder than second grade?
What do you study in science and social studies?
Can you bring your own device for “just right “reading?
How is third grade different from second grade?
Are you changing anything in third grade next year?
In second grade we fill up cards, what do you do for good behavior in third grade?
How many textbooks do you have in third grade?
Do you have class jobs?
Is there a Parent Spot?
Do you have any research papers?
How much homework do you have in third grade?
Do you write everything in cursive?
What can I do this summer to be ready for third grade?
Do you keep everything in a binder?
Do you switch classes?
How long do you have recess?  Which game is the most popular?
Do you have a student of the week?
What field trips do you go on in third?
Which soup is your favorite?

May 18

KRCS Graduation

I attended baccalaureate and graduation this weekend. Always well done and inspiring! So blessed to have taught nine of these students when I was the math specialist and worked with two more seniors in varsity cheerleading.

May 13

Third Grade

See the source image
We have been sharing memories and recalling all of the fun we’ve had together this year. I introduced the word bittersweet as meaning feeling both happy and sad. Some of us are a little anxious about third grade, so we began to brainstorm all the new and exciting changes that are ahead of us next year.

In Third Grade We Will:
-play on a different playground with a field!
-have soup and flavored drinks at lunch.
-use hardback books for all our subjects.
-have a choice of rolling backpacks.
-get” real” grades- A, B, C, but hopefully not F.
-have a classroom upstairs with all the other “big” kids.
-have bigger desks and chairs.
-make new friends.
-use binders.
-switch rooms for more of our classes.

Wow, third grade is going to be awesome!

April 27

Field Day

Always an amazing day!

Wish I had a picture of the downpour that surprised us all. Our class huddled together under the first aid tent. The games went on when it was over, and the sun came out only a few minutes later. It was a day to remember!