April 22

Class Poet

The children really enjoyed our poetry unit and I am finding poems in their journals. These poems are by Laken.


Blank pages
Waiting to be filled
With wonderful poems

Muscles at work-
Flying, spinning,
Heart beating.
Then smack,
Off the track!

February 28


I connected our study of space with reading and writing. For our culminating Space Unit activity, we read Here Come the Aliens. After we created our own alien, we filled in the missing adjectives and nouns in a mad lib.  We used thesauruses to find interesting adjectives. We were surprised at how adjectives can change a story. You’ll definitely want to come down our hallway for a closer look at this project!



January 30

Noun Activities

We did two activities to increase our understanding of nouns. I taught the children how to use Microsoft Word. They quickly learned how to change the font and to insert and resize pictures. Our sentences contain a person, place, and things.











We also wrote four people, four places, and four things that are important to each of us.

January 30

100 Year Olds

We used an app called Oldbooth to age our faces to 100 years old on the 100th day of school. Each child chose a mask to pull over his/her face. The eyes, hair, and teeth belong to them. We practiced writing commands (one of the four types of sentences) to share advice on how to live to be a happy, healthy 100 year old.

Category: Writing | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 22

Persuasive Turkeys

We are learning to put together a paragraph with a main idea, supporting details, and a closing sentence. Our first published attempt was this persuasive paragraph. So pleased with their first effort!

Category: Writing | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 21


Similes are one type of figurative language. They are used to compare two things using either “like” or “as”. We are identifying them in literature and looking for ways to incorporate them into our own writing.

We wrote similes of one of our classmates using the story, Quick as a Cricket, as our model.