November 11


Third grade is observing a homemade filtering system.  I layered sand and gravel in the top of a two liter bottle. Then I secured cheesecloth over the opening with a rubber band.  You could also use a coffee filter if cheesecloth isn’t available.  I put very muddy water through the system twice.

Filtered Water Please!

I used two layers of gravel and two of sand.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 11


Crystals are a special kind of solid material in which the molecules fit together in a repeating pattern. Crystals often form in nature when liquids cool and start to harden. We have found crystals in many of the rocks we have in the lab.  The flat sides of crystals are called facets.

Third grade chemists made crystals using borax and boiling water.  Click here to go to an link that will explain how to make the crystals.  There is also a video on the site.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 11


A geode is a stone with a hollow space inside lined with crystals or mineral matter. Most geodes have calcite, quartz, or fluorite crystals, but some may also have pyrite.  Most geodes are between 1 and 12 inches in diameter.

A nodule is a geode that has filled completely with deposited minerals, leaving no hollow in the middle.

Third grade geologists cracked geodes open in lab.  The lab was held inside because of the rain.   We put the geodes inside socks for safety.  Some of the geodes were difficult to crack, so we will take those outside and try again at recess.

A geode reminds us of God’s love.  Although others judge us by our appearance, God values our heart and the beauty within us. “For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT