November 14

Lake Lanier Aquatic Study Program

What an informative and practical field trip! My students saw how Earth, chemistry, and biology sciences are interrelated.

A Description of our program from the Elachee Nature Science Center Site:

“Students climb aboard the floating classroom, Chota Princess II, for a hands-on exploration of the history, ecology and challenges facing Lake Sidney Lanier, Georgia’s most important reservoir. Students will sample plankton, collect lake sediments, measure turbidity (amount of cloudiness in water) and determine pH and dissolved oxygen levels. On shore, Elachee instructors engage students in complementary watershed activities including topographical map studies, storm water runoff demonstrations and water treatment plant simulations.”

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 30

Nature’s Classroom Overnight

We had perfect weather for the Nature Classroom overnight on Lookout Mountain.

Did you hear about the ORT report? After every meal, the amount of food and beverage that was thrown away was weighed. The children learned how much energy is wasted with every pound of food that is discarded. I hope they will remember that lesson at school!

Before each meal, twelve student waitrons set the tables. At the end of each meal, they also cleared the tables and washed them.

Another one of my favorite memories was playing four square with your children during free time. I had so much fun!

October 21


My Pre-First scientists began lab by observing the leaves on some of our plants. The colors, patterns, and textures amazed us! Then we carefully drew the leaves I had collected for them from trees around campus. My scientists noticed that the leaves had different shapes and that the edges of the leaves varied too. When we turned the leaves over, we could clearly see the pattern of veins. Finally, we chose a leaf to paint and print.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 17

Did You Know?

My husband and I went to Harvest on the Hooch today. The event was a fundraiser for the Unity Garden at Chattahoochee Nature Center in Roswell. Volunteers work this garden and provide 8000 pounds of organically grown produce to North Fulton Charities each year. It would be a great place to visit with your family and there are lots of other things to see at the nature center too!

Saw these fun guys at the center.

October 7

More Leaves

Why do leaves change colors?  Click here to find out! My scientists know that green leaves have a pigment called chlorophyll which helps the plant make food in a process called photosynthesis, but how can we find out what other pigments are in a leaf? Chromatography is the answer.We tore leaves into small pieces and placed them in rubbing alcohol. The leaf pigments separated as the mixture traveled up the filter paper.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT