May 7


Pandas are only found in the wild in China. They spend most of their time eating bamboo in the cold mountains. We watched the pandas on the panda cam at the Atlanta Zoo. There are great photos and videos of pandas on this site.

Atlanta Zoo Panda Cam

We made some adorable paper pandas today.

May 6


A tangram is a traditional Chinese puzzle made of a square divided into seven pieces (one parallelogram, one square and five triangles) that can be arranged to create designs.

Legend has it that long ago in China there lived a man named Tan. He dropped a beautiful ceramic tile, his most prized possession, and it broke into seven geometric pieces which he spent the rest of his life trying to put back together.

The first challenge was to take a set of tans and make a square. I was impressed with the children’s perseverance. Congratulations to Peyton for being the first one to make the square. It is harder than it looks!

April 24

Integrating Curriculum

I love integrating curriculum. On our morning flip charts, I always tie in whatever we are learning in social studies and science. During our states unit, I have put a daily fun fact about our country and an outline of a state. There is always someone who can identify each state.