May 21


I introduced division by reading the story The Doorbell Rang. In the story, a mother makes her two children a dozen cookies. After the children divide the cookies, the doorbell rings. Cousins and neighbors continue to join them, and they divide the cookies by three, four, six and then twelve. Finally, they each have one cookie, but the doorbell rings again. Click here to watch the story. This is a fun story to dramatize with real cookies!

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Game One

We learned that sometimes a group cannot be divided equally and that we may have some left over (a remainder). The children enjoyed the story A Remainder of One.

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We used magnets, counters, and unifix cubes to divide sets into equal smaller groups. Division is repeated subtraction.

Category: Math | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 18

KRCS Graduation

I attended baccalaureate and graduation this weekend. Always well done and inspiring! So blessed to have taught nine of these students when I was the math specialist and worked with two more seniors in varsity cheerleading.

May 13

Third Grade

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We have been sharing memories and recalling all of the fun we’ve had together this year. I introduced the word bittersweet as meaning feeling both happy and sad. Some of us are a little anxious about third grade, so we began to brainstorm all the new and exciting changes that are ahead of us next year.

In Third Grade We Will:
-play on a different playground with a field!
-have soup and flavored drinks at lunch.
-use hardback books for all our subjects.
-have a choice of rolling backpacks.
-get” real” grades- A, B, C, but hopefully not F.
-have a classroom upstairs with all the other “big” kids.
-have bigger desks and chairs.
-make new friends.
-use binders.
-switch rooms for more of our classes.

Wow, third grade is going to be awesome!