July 7

Finding Science Everywhere

My mom spent two weeks in a nursing home rehab in St. Louis because of a fall and some other health issues. I spent five days there with her. The weather was perfect and we spent as much time as possible in the courtyard. It was amazing what we discovered as we sat there chatting and enjoying the sunshine.

The baby mourning doves in the photo below were just about to leave the nest.

The courtyard is filled with tortoises. Someone brought in a pair a few years ago and they have reproduced. They burrow underground during the winters.

Mom loved this statue!

These birds were in a habitat in the activity room.

We attended “wheelchair church” one Sunday afternoon.There is nothing like the old hymns!

June 21


It’s probably not surprising that I love to garden. My parents and grandparents were gardeners too and I am blessed to have a husband that shares my passion. Here are a few corners of my backyard:

I couldn’t resist!

I think hydrangeas are my favorite flower. Both of these were gifts from students.

This belonged to my grandparents. So true!

June 13


When I returned home from visiting my mom, my husband informed me that a robin was trying to build a nest over our deck door. He had taken it down three times, but she was back again this morning. It is amazing to watch a bird construct her nest. Do you realize that every robin builds a nest using the same design? Birders can distinguish between nests and identify the species of bird who built it. I once placed nesting materials in front of a group of students and asked them if they could construct a nest without using their hands. I hope she finds a better place to build her home!

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June 13

St Louis

First thing I did when school was out for the summer was to travel to see my mom and sister in St. Louis. My daughter joined us for a few days too. Just love having girl time with them!

We took advantage of an unusually cool day to visit the Botanical Gardens. The largest exhibit of fused-glass is currently on display throughout the gardens. The Chihuly exhibit at the Atlanta Botanical Garden is blown glass. If you are ever in Kirkwood, Missouri, be sure to stop by the Magic House too.

May 28


It is a KRCS tradition to sign yearbooks on the last day of school. As I was reading through my yearbook, I found this. It made my heart sing!

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 23


My first KRCS second grade class graduated over the weekend! What a privilege to see them and their families at baccalaureate and graduation. This photo was taken at the school’s first location in the refurbished grocery store. They are wearing our original uniforms.

May 22

Another Lab in High School

Mrs. Marcus’ fourth grade class joined Mrs. Fedas’ AP biology class for a lab about natural selection. The fourth graders were divided into groups of four and each member was given a different method for gathering food (fork, spoon, knife, or his/her fingers). They had to gather food (beans and pasta) using that method in a given amount of time. We graphed the results from four generations. Which animal will best survive? I love working at a PK through 12 school!

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 22

Lab Helpers

Classroom teachers have a variety of positive behavior incentives. One of the rewards a student may choose is to help me feed all of our lab animals- fish, crabs, turtles, frogs, and ducks. We presently have pollywogs and pill bugs in the lab too. This kindergarten scientist and I were caught on film by Mrs. Beach as she arrived at school. I’m not sure who enjoys this time together more.

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