August 8

What Do You Think?

I sure am missing my young scientists! I thought of them as I worked in my garden and found this leaf. I wondered why this large deciduous leaf had already changed color in early August. I noticed it was folded and when I opened it, I discovered that the part under the fold was still green. Why do you think it remained green? Why do leaves change color? What will happen if I leave the leaf open?

August 8

Cottonwood Tree

My husband and I drove through Wisconsin this summer, and we found the variety of trees differed from the trees native to Atlanta. I especially enjoyed learning about the cottonwood tree. This massive shade tree grows along rivers and lakes. They belong to the poplar family and are among the fastest growing trees in America. They are easily recognized by their wide trunks. The name “cottonwood” comes from the fluffy white material that surrounds the seeds each spring.