July 5

Dewlaps and Pollen Baskets

Animals have diverse and unique body parts. Let’s look at two of them.

A dewlap is a thin flap of skin that can be inflated under a lizard’s neck as a warning sign to anyone who has invaded its territory. This nonverbal communication demonstrates dominance to intruders. Heads bob up and down as dewlaps are flashed. The dewlap is also used to attract females. This is another pop of orange to add to our list on the previous post about summer color.

This bumblebee is transporting the pollen it has collected in his pollen sacs or baskets (corbicula). They look like saddlebags! Such a clever means to carry this important cargo!

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“All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all.”

Cecil Alexander

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