September 23

Musical Parent Spot

We have so many talented parents at KRCS! Before we ate a fun guitar snack created by Davis’ mom, Davis’ dad shared his musical gifts with us.

Ben’s dad also shared his musical gifts with the children a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, it was the Friday I was sick and I wasn’t there to take any pictures. The children are still talking about the double neck guitar!

March 30

Easter Eggs

Dylan’s mom made beautiful Easter eggs with the children during her Parent Spot. They reminded me of Faberge eggs, and I showed the class some examples of these jeweled eggs on the computer.

January 20


Darcy kicked off our space unit by creating a comet in our classroom! A comet is sometimes called a dirty snowball or an icy mud ball flying through space.  It is a mixture of water, frozen gases, and dust. Comets are known for their dust “tails” which are seen as they fly closer to the sun and begin to melt.

Darcy combined dirt, ammonia, water, corn syrup (organic material) and frozen ice (very exciting) to make our comet. We observed it melt throughout the day. I know the children have a wonderful visual of what a comet looks like after this experiment.

November 10


We had two special readers this week. Nicole’s big sister chose to read to our class as her “good work” award. What an honor! Aaron’s mom brought Olly and read Guinea Dog to us. I think everyone wants a guinea pig now.