June 28


Green is often the first color associated with summer. Don’t miss the variety of warm and cool hues. A warm green is closer to yellow, while a cool green approaches blue.

Give your child yellow and blue paint to mix and watch the science happen. Green is a secondary color because it is created from two primary colors. Add white to lighten (tint) the greens or a touch of black to darken them (shade). Red is across the color wheel from green and is therefore its complementary color. Mixed together they neutralize each other and create brown.

Go here to take a peek inside the book, Green, by Seeger.

Image result for book green childrens

The green pigment inside leaves is chlorophyll. Rub a leaf onto paper to see the pigment.

Test for the pigments inside leaves with chromatography.

Highlight green with a green day celebration! Have your children wear green and eat green food. Then go on a scavenger hunt to search for green living and nonliving things. How many different items can you find? Play I Spy with green items to develop vocabulary skills.