October 4


It’s challenging to capture photos of chipmunks. Squirrels will stop and eat, but chipmunks always seem to be on the run! I accidently cornered this chipmunk, and quickly snapped some photos before he determined which direction to best scamper off. Read more about chipmunks here.

Facts about Chipmunks

Chipmunks are the smallest member of the squirrel family.

Underground burrows, a chipmunk’s home, can be as long as 30 feet.

Chipmunks are rodents, like rats, mice, squirrels, and porcupines, which means they have front teeth that continue to grow. It is the largest order of mammals.

Solitary, they interact very little with other chipmunks.

Many predators eat them, but they are quick escape artists.

Stretchy cheek pouches allow these omnivores to store food as they forage.

Young leave their mothers after two months and dig their own tunnels.

Go here to view full screen.

Use a Venn diagram to compare squirrels and chipmunks. How are they alike and how do they differ? Go here and here for posts about squirrels.

Go here to view full screen. Use it as a mentor text to introduce character traits. A fun tale to dramatize too.

A career idea! For full-screen viewing, go here.