December 15


We are learning that nouns may be people, places, or things (animals). We went to the Computer Lab and used Word to write about nouns using this pattern:  My name is (person) and I am from (place).   like (thing) and (thing).  Notice the alliteration too. The children continue to learn more features of Word and have gained greater independence.

September 15


We look forward to using our actiVotes. ActiVotes are part of a fun learner response system used for assessment and polls on the activboard. Everyone has the opportunity to participate simultaneously, and the teacher can choose how the results are displayed. Children have instant feedback and teachers can track progress and download the data into a spreadsheet. When we watch a Brain Pop video, there is always a quiz following the video to test our recall and understanding of the information that was presented. What a great tool to engage everyone in the learning process!
A side note:  Brain Pop Jr. is available as an app on your iPad.

March 29

Cluster Map

Did you know that you can click on the cluster map to the right of the posts to see from where people have been visiting our blog? The two hits from Africa have been from Steven’s dad while he was on a layover from a flight to Nigeria and Dylan’s family when they were visiting family in South Africa. We have been learning geography as we find these places on the map. The N/A hits are usually from cell phones. Where will the blog go next?

March 22

21st Century Teachers

What is a 21st Century teacher?  This topic is being debated in the world of education today.  At KRCS, we believe that within the context of mastering core subjects, 21st century learning includes:

1.  Global awareness

2.  Creativity and innovation

3.  Critical thinking and problem solving

4.  Collaboration and communication

5.  Information media and technology skills

6.  Life and career skills