September 17


Second grade botanists studied leaves. Then, we applied what we previously learned about symmetry to complete the leaf. Connecting art and science always improves observational and visual perception skills.

Category: Art, Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 17

Escape Artist

Discovered one of my crayfish strolling across the floor when I walked into the lab this morning. He survived quite a fall! I wish there had been a camera on him! Mrs. Lilge’s class hypothesized why he might have wanted to leave his habitat.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 17


King’s Ridge is on a beautiful campus. The trees around the property were recently pruned and the piles of branches were the perfect place to uncover science treasures to share with my classes. Look what I discovered! Fall is the ideal time to study trees.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT