August 27

Another Parenting Tip-Inquiry Based Learning

Why are there two rainbows? Why is one lighter than the other? How far apart are they?
Why is it darker above the rainbow? Why does red and yellow seem wider than the other colors in the spectrum?

My brother recently traveled to the South Pacific and captured this photo. I know that asking meaningful questions leads to learning, so my goal is to stop and ponder at natural phenomena because I desire to be a lifelong learner. Questions breed more questions which drives thinking.

When your child asks a question, he/she is taking an active role in his/her own education and developing critical thinking and communication skills. As they seek and process information, new schema are formed which are frameworks or concepts that help us to organize and interpret information. Inquiry-based learning is compelling and empowers the learner!

Sadly, research shows that children ask less questions as they grow older. Albert Einstein believed that asking thoughtful questions was critical to learning. “The important thing is to not stop questioning. Never lose a holy curiosity.” Both the Engineer Design Process and the Scientific Method begin with, Make an Observation/Ask a Question.

So when your child comes home from school, ask him/her what questions they asked in school today and what they are still wondering. Model asking questions as you take a walk together. Encourage family members to write their questions on Post-it notes and then place them on the back of a door to create a “wonder wall”.

Asking questions as you read is also a powerful comprehension strategy because the reader actively engages with the text. What was the character’s motivation? Would you have responded in the same way? How would changing the setting (where and when a story occurs) impact the story? Would you have ended the story in the same manner? Which character would you want as a friend? Why? You can ask your child these questions even if you haven’t read the book yourself.

Genius is seeing what everyone else sees and thinking what no-one else has thought.
Albert Szent-Gyorgy

August 25

Do You Value Process Over Product?

Click here to watch this first.

Have you heard a teacher say that the process is more important than the product? Let’s allow children to develop their creativity and imagination! Art should be open-ended with self-expression as the goal. When children copy an adult’s model and all their products are similar, then product is being valued over process.

August 21

Biblical History Center

My husband and I visited the Biblical History Center in LaGrange, Georgia. My favorite part of the tour was the walk through the Archaeological Replica Garden where full-scale reconstructions of structures relevant to daily life in Biblical times bring history to life. I recommend making reservations for the tour because the knowledgeable guide explains the culture and customs of Biblical times. The tour includes a visit to the Biblical Life Artifacts Gallery where 250 artifacts from the National Treasures of Israel are on display. Click here to visit their site. At the end of our tour, we enjoyed a Biblical meal. There are special events throughout the year. Roman Army Day is on October 23rd. What an interesting day trip for a small group or your family!

August 19

A Butterfly’s Proboscis

I caught more pollinators busy at work! (See previous post for information about pollinators.) Do you know how butterflies drink the sweet nectar in a flower? They have a proboscis. To explain how the tube-like proboscis works with my student scientists, I use a party blower. When not in use, the proboscis is rolled up out of the way.

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 18

Let’s Study Pollinators!

Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, are essential for life on earth. I captured these pollinators at work in my garden. Do you see the pollen on the bee’s legs? Watch the new video below for more information.

Participate in the Georgia Great Pollinator Census with your family. Click here for information.

It wouldn’t be summer without hummingbirds! Two hummingbirds frequent the flowers on my deck daily. I’ve tried to take photos, but they move quickly! I learned so much about these amazing birds from the video below.

Biomimicry is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies found in nature to solve human design challenges. Click here to learn more about the Center for Biologically Inspired Design at Georgia Tech. How are we learning from hummingbirds?

Did you know that hummingbirds in North America migrate to Mexico and Central America? They will begin their journey south around the end of August.

August 10


If you live in Atlanta, you have seen a five-lined skink. They are easily identified by their blue tails. Juvenile skinks have especially bright blue tails and one visited me today. These lizards are harmless. They are often found near deciduous forests and prefer moist areas. Skinks are excellent climbers and move quickly to escape danger. Like other lizards, their tail can break off if seized by a predator but will regenerate in time. Skinks are most active on warm sunny days and prey on insects. They are often mistaken for snakes because of their short legs.

See the source image

Category: Science | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 8

What Do You Think?

I sure am missing my young scientists! I thought of them as I worked in my garden and found this leaf. I wondered why this large deciduous leaf had already changed color in early August. I noticed it was folded and when I opened it, I discovered that the part under the fold was still green. Why do you think it remained green? Why do leaves change color? What will happen if I leave the leaf open?

August 8

Cottonwood Tree

My husband and I drove through Wisconsin this summer, and we found the variety of trees differed from the trees native to Atlanta. I especially enjoyed learning about the cottonwood tree. This massive shade tree grows along rivers and lakes. They belong to the poplar family and are among the fastest growing trees in America. They are easily recognized by their wide trunks. The name “cottonwood” comes from the fluffy white material that surrounds the seeds each spring.

May 29

Good-Bye Science Lab

When I was chosen to be the science coordinator seven years ago and tasked with creating a science lab, I began with an empty room. Creating an inviting, engaging, learning environment has been such a labor of love.

Moving In

As I looked around the room one last time before I closed the door and took the first step in my new chapter, I thought of the classic story, Good Night Moon, in which the character says good night to all the items in his bedroom before going to sleep. I laughed at myself, as I said good-night to all my favorite spaces and materials in the lab, and thought of all the young scientists who have shared this room with me. I already miss them!