August 7

Unexpected Discoveries

I walk with expectancy, not knowing who or possibly what I will encounter next on my woodland hikes or neighborhood walks. Is there wildlife around the turn or peering at me from the tree limbs (if I would just remember to look up.) Each discovery is a gift, a memory to treasure, a smile waiting to happen. Grateful.

I hope I live life this way too, excited to discover what adventure or sweet moment awaits.

Just a few of my latest discoveries….

I happened upon the doe first and a few steps later, I realized why this nervous mama was stomping her hoof in warning. Go here for a previous deer post.

Tree frogs are always a delightful surprise!

I spied this dead Eastern Hercules beetle lying on the path, as if it was donating its body to science. Go here to learn more about beetles.

I tried to rescue this millipede from the hot summer sun. To learn more about millipedes, go here.

A box turtle was unable to climb over the street curb, so I gave it a lift up. Go here for a post about turtles.

A yellow-bellied slider startled me when I was trying to capture a photo of a dragonfly. Learn more about sliders here.

So many dragonflies darting around the ponds. For a previous post about dragonflies, go here.

While watering my plants, a little toad hopped out from the leaf litter. Go here to learn more about toads.