July 21

Summer Reading

One of the joys of summer is having more time to read. My reading this summer can be divided into three groups:  Bible study, professional growth, and fun reads. A love for reading and life-long learning are values I want to share and model for my students.

Bible Study:  I am part of a women’s neighborhood Bible study. The group meets in the morning during the school year, so I cherish the opportunity to study with friends and neighbors each summer. The study is led by a KRCS parent. This summer, we are studying Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa Terkeurst. I’ve enjoyed her insights. She has a blog and is a leader of the Proverbs 31 Ministry.


Click here to go to Proverbs 31 Ministry






Professionally, I’ve read The Daily 5 and The Cafe Book by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser. I am participating in an online book study as I read these books about developing children’s literacy. Looking forward to applying these ideas in my classroom this year.









I have just begun reading Rafe Esquith’s Teach Like Your Hair’s On Fire. Lots of ideas for parents and teachers to ponder.

Fun Read:  I just finished Sea Change by Karen White. Karen is part of our KRCS family and I taught both of her children. Click here to go to Karen’s web site.  This is her 15th novel about Southern women.

(Click on each book for a sneak peek inside.)

Category: Reading | LEAVE A COMMENT
July 12

New Series

I love discovering new series for my classroom library. When I visited my niece and nephew, rising third and fifth graders, they recommended two new series. I have read half of the first book in each series and they are great fantasy stories.

The first series of four chapter books is Nathaniel Fludd, Beastologist  by LaFevers. The books chronicle the adventures of young Nathaniel “Nate” Fludd, a beastologist in training, who travels the world in search of mythical beasts like the phoenix and unicorn. Beastologist Home Page

The second series is Doll People by Martin. This story is about the adventures of a doll family who has lived in a dollhouse for over 100 years.


Category: Reading | LEAVE A COMMENT
June 1

More Thanks for Mrs. Yeska

Today Mrs. Yeska was honored at our staff luncheon.  Mrs. Borain spoke of Paula’s generosity to the Media Center.  Over her 11 years at KRCS, Mrs. Yeska has donated hundreds of books.  Some of her former students are holding up a portion of the books she has donated.  What a special lady!

May 31

Fifth Grade Recognition

Each year KRCS recognizes the fifth graders. Moving to Middle School is exciting! The recognition begins with the fifth grade walking through the Lower School halls for the last time on their way to the gym. The students, faculty, and parents applaud them as they pass. During the ceremony, the students thank their parents as well as their current and past teachers. The students make a fun slideshow with Mrs. Williams and there is an additional slideshow with photos of each student. The students are recognized individually and given a Wordle which contains the character traits listed by their classmates to describe each of them. Finally, the Middle School principal welcomes the class. Love watching my previous students each year! Both Danielle and Steven had sisters in this class. Congratulations to them all!

Fifth Grade Walk

Fifth Grade Sings to Parents

Fifth Grade Sings to Parents

Individual Recognition

May 25

Google Maps

Today we went to the computer lab and used the satellite view on Google Maps. We found KRCS, our homes, and then looked at famous places all over the world. The lab was filled with excitement as they found each new place.

May 22


We learned how to use a fun site called Wordle today. Unfortunately, the computers in the lab weren’t cooperative. The children want to try to make a Wordle at home. They make great gifts.

Category: Writing | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 20


God blessed our socks off!
The Lower School had a special dress down day to celebrate God’s provisions over KRCS. Through the generosity of KRCS families and partnering donors, we achieved our goal to raise $10 million to build the new High School.
With God, all things are possible!  (Matthew 19:26)  The Ground Blessing will be held this Friday.
May 17

Comparing With Adjectives

We have been learning how to use “er” and “est” to compare with adjectives.
We discovered that sometimes you need to use the words more or most.
It was fun using our families to practice this concept.

Category: Writing | LEAVE A COMMENT