February 16

Valentine Estimation Game

Each of my students filled a jar with candy and taped the number of pieces in the jar under the lid. Then the other students tried to estimate how many pieces were in each jar. It was a fun estimation game, and everyone brought home a jar of candy to share with his/her family.

February 5

Wanted Posters

My math class is learning to write three-digit numbers in standard form, word form, and expanded form.  We made “Wanted Posters” to practice these concepts.  We also reviewed Roman numerals.

Category: Math | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 31


On Fridays, we try to practice and review cursive in fun ways.  I told the children to write directly on their desks with dry erase markers to practice our first five letters.  Their reactions to my directions were so cute.  I actually had to write on a desk to show them that it was OK and that the marker would wipe right off their desks when we were finished.

Category: Cursive | LEAVE A COMMENT