February 3


In previous posts, I’ve encouraged you to look up for nests, around for tree bark, and down for tracks as you hike on a trail or in your neighborhood. On this excursion, look down once again and try to locate moss. Moss is a small flowerless green plant that lacks true roots, grows in damp or shady habitats, and reproduces by means of spores.  Like other plants, moss does produce its own food through photosynthesis. There are 12,000 species of moss! Moss can benefit forests by forming a carpet that will slow down and retain water, thereby reducing soil erosion and helping to prevent water loss during dry periods. Click here to learn more about moss.

When you find a clump of moss, how easy is it to lift up a corner? What do you see underneath the plant?

You can find moss even in an urban setting!

Make a terrarium using moss. Click here for directions from the blog, Childhood by Nature. How many different species of moss can you find and identify?

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February 1

Light and Shadows

Groundhog Day is the ideal time to investigate light and shadows! Below is a compilation of shadow investigations I previously completed with my students.

A shadow is formed when a natural or man-made light source blocks an opaque object. Shadows can move and change. Bringing a light source closer to an object will make its shadow grow larger while moving the light source away will make it smaller. Try changing the angle of the light source. Move the light from left to right (imitating the rising and setting of the sun) and note how the shadow changes. What does the shadow look like when the flashlight (sun) is directly overhead? What would you see if two light sources were directed toward an object?











Bring a basket of items outside on a sunny day and place them on a white sheet of paper. Check back during the day and note how the shadow changes.

Hide objects from a child’s view and then project them onto the wall. Can your students identify what is creating the shadow? Turn the object on its side or stand it on its end. Does the shape of the shadow change? I used an old overhead projector to do this investigation, but you can also take the lampshade off a lamp.











Make a guessing game with cards. Place a picture on one side of the paper and its shadow on the back of the card. I made a collection of these in my early teaching days before we had copiers! I cut out pictures from coloring books.











Ask students to draw, color, and cut out an animal of their choosing while out of sight from classmates. Use clipboards to scatter your children around the room. While children are looking forward, place a light behind the animal and ask students to identify the animal from its shadow.











Form animals using hand shadows. Click here for the Safeshare link for the video below.

Did you notice the children’s silhouettes in the photos above? To capture children’s silhouettes, simply ask them to stand so that you can see their profiles on the wall. Take a photo of the silhouette, print it, or project it from your laptop and trace it. I remember trying to trace children’s silhouettes while they attempted to sit still! Another option is to trace around children, while they are lying down on bulletin board paper, with a white crayon. Display the opposite side, so lines aren’t visible.

Trace children’s shadows with chalk outside on sidewalks or a driveway periodically throughout the day. Measure the length of the shadows with measuring tape. Compare the differences.

Play the classic game of shadow tag when you are outside. Another fun shadow game is the mirror game. Find a partner. One person is the shadow. The shadow copies his/her partner’s movements.

Children will discover that light can pass through some objects which will lead to an exploration of transparent, translucent, and opaque objects. Children tested to see how much light traveled through a collection of materials in the investigation below.

For videos about shadows, click here and here. Click here for a fun Sesame Street shadow song.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  John 1:5

January 31

Groundhog Day

It’s Almost Groundhog Day! Will the groundhog see its shadow?

To make this little puppet, attach a construction paper or fun foam groundhog to a stick and push the stick through the bottom of the cup, so that the groundhog (aka woodchuck) can move in and out of its burrow. Use a flashlight to demonstrate how the groundhog might see its shadow and respond according to the legend. A legend is a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated. (Merriam Webster)

Tune- I’m a Little Teapot (Poet Unknown)

Here’s a little groundhog, furry and brown,
He’s popping up to look around.
If he sees his shadow, down he’ll go,
Then six more weeks of winter- Oh, no!

When I was a teenager in Maryland, I often saw groundhogs. I’ve never seen one in the Atlanta area. Maybe digging in the red Georgia clay is just too hard!

As you listen to the videos below, listen for these vocabulary words: mammal, burrow, kit, incisors, rodent, herbivore, and hibernate.

Click here for the Safeshare link to learn about groundhogs.

Click here for another non-fiction video. For older students, click here.

Click here to hear a humorous story about a groundhog. What are the differences between fiction and non-fiction books?

Click here for the story, The Night Before Groundhog Day.

January 31

In Honor of 2.2.22

It’s almost 2.2.22! (Hope you wear a tutu!) Enjoy the Veggie Tale song, Come in Twos, Click here.

The best things in life come in twos
Like salt goes with pepper
And carrots with peas
A sock with its mate
Macaroni and cheese
A cup and a saucer
A pair of shoes
The best things in life come in twos
Its cookies with milk
And ham with eggs
Two birds of a feather
Your arms and your legs
It’s making “wes” out of “mes” and “yous”
The best things in life come in twos
The best things in life come in twos Two o o o o o s

Try to add another verse. My new lines are:  a hamburger with fries, and glasses with eyes

The following activity is a fun and creative way to make a connection between math and language on this unique date. Create a class poster about the number 2 on an anchor chart with multiple answers to the sentence starters below or let your students choose a number and design their own number signs.

First brainstorm words, phrases, or expressions that are associated with each number. For example:

One – Uno, single, unicycle, solo, only child, one of a kind, penny, one in a million, all in one piece, one and only, one of those days

Two – double, tutu, pair, twins, duo, twice, bicycle built for two,

Ten – decade, dime, decimeter, decagon, Tennessee, tennis

The pictures below were made by my students almost twenty years ago!

Note: ‘Also known as’ could be a math expression. For example, four could be known as 2+2, 1/3 of 12, or 8/2.

Reading the entertaining story, 7 Ate 9, would be a perfect way to begin or end this lesson. Humorous puns about numbers fill the pages.

Click here for the Safeshare link.

See the source image

If you miss 2.2.22, there’s always 2.22.22!

Two are better than one, because they can help each other in everything they do.
Ecclesiastes 4:9 NIRV

January 27

Great BACKYARD Bird Count

The Backyard Bird Count is scheduled for February 18-22. This is an easy and fun citizen science project for all ages! I have it on my calendar.

Click here to learn all about the Backyard Bird Count. There is information about a free webinar too.

From their site: (The link in this photo is not active.) Step 1 – Decide where you will watch birds.

Step 2 – Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days, February 18-21, 2022.

Step 3 – Count all the birds you see or hear within your planned time/location and use the best tool for sharing your bird sightings.

January 25

Telescopes and Engineering

Click here and here to visit NASA to learn about the James Webb Space Telescope and track its progress.

The James Webb Space Telescope has deployed all of its mirrors and is now 850,000 miles into its million-mile journey through space, NASA revealed

In this humorous story, Peter attempts to build the tallest possible tower to search the stars. Use this tale to springboard a tower engineering challenge. Ask your students to use available materials to build the tallest (or a given height) freestanding tower. Click here for the Safeshare link. After the story, identify the real and make-believe elements (characters, setting, problem, and resolution).

January 24

Black and White

In a previous post, I shared pictures of the colorful birds that are frequenting my yard, but this little black and white chickadee is my favorite. Maybe it’s the name or the way they always appear formally dressed that appeals to me. Click here to learn more about the chickadee.

Although countless animals are colorful, there are many that are black and white. I’ve enjoyed reading the book below to my classes. How many black and white animals (fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, or birds) can you name?


In this story, the reader hears clues about a black and white animal, and then the animal is identified on the following page. Discern the key words as you read:  fins, flippers, looks like a fish, water, mammal.

Click here and Click here for Safeshare links to watch videos of black and white animals. The first link is for younger children.

The following link is a movement brain break using black and white animals for younger scientists. Click here.

How fun to have a black and white themed day at school or home! Dress only in black and white, play dominoes or use dice for a math game, eat Oreos for a special snack, and make one of the art projects below.

This first project introduces symmetry and the fraction one-half. Turn the white paper over to hide pencil marks. For Valentine’s Day, use red and pink paper and cut out various sizes of hearts.

I do not know who originally posted the artwork below.

January 24

Look Up!

As I stated in a previous post, my goal this month is to give you purposeful reasons to hike. This time, look up for nests. Winter is a good time to find them because they are more noticeable when deciduous trees have lost their leaves. As I hiked, I was amazed at how many nests (that I had previously walked by) I noticed up in the branches when I intentionally looked for them. Watch the Animoto below to see some of the nests I discovered. Are all nests bird nests? The larger ones most likely are squirrel nests. Click here to watch a squirrel build a nest.

I have a small collection of bird nests.  What materials did these birds use?

How astounding that every species of bird builds a nest unique to that species and that these nests are built without hands! Children will appreciate the difficulty of this engineering task when they try to construct nests of their own. Click here to check out this fun nest building investigation for families from Tinkergarten! Another option would be to collect items a bird might use to make a nest and then fashion one using your hands. How will it stay together?

Click here for the Safeshare link for the following video.

Use the videos below to compare fiction and nonfiction books about nests.

Click here for the video of Mama Built a Little Nest.

See the source image

Click here to watch an animated version of The Best Nest.

See the source image

I was looking up for nests when I spotted this bird. I think it is a red-tailed hawk.

On another walk, I eyed this hawk high in a tree. So majestic!

January 20

Snow Experiment

A Simple Investigation:

Scoop snow into a tall clear cylinder. A vase or mason jar work well. In my science lab, I used a graduated cylinder. Measure how much snow is in the container. (Many children have difficulty using a ruler.) Leave the container on your counter and check back periodically. Make careful observations. After the snow melts, measure how much water is in the container. Analyze your results. What are your conclusions? Introduce a variable, and place identical jars in different spots, like a sunny window. Would you have the same results with different types of snow?

To extend this investigation, leave the jar on the counter and observe how quickly the water evaporates.

January 19

Another Phenomena

I was walking through a nearby neighborhood and discovered a few oak leaves still attached to a branch, and although it is January, the leaves were still green. The remainder of the deciduous tree branches had dropped their leaves. Why do you think this green oak leaf is still attached to the tree?  “Phenomena are observable events that cause a student to wonder or engage with the process of science.

This reminded me of the following stories in which the little leaves don’t want to let go. There is certainly a life lesson here!

Click here for the Safeshare link of Leafy, the Leaf that Wouldn’t Leave.

Click here for the Safeshare link for The Little Yellow Leaf.

See the source image

In my backyard, I have some trees that have thin tan leaves, but they historically never lose their leaves until late spring. This phenomenon is called marcescence and occurs in American beech and many species of oak trees.