January 25

More Snow

First grade scientists wondered how much liquid water would be in the container after the solid snow melted. Mrs. Dickey’s class reported that the 7 inches of snow melted down to 2 1/2 inches of water.

What is a crystal? Snow is made of ice crystals and we observed some rocks with crystals. Then we made a Borax crystal snowflake. I had many requests for this snowflake investigation.

Mix 3 T Borax for every cup of boiling water in a wide-mouthed jar. (We used 9 T Borax and 3 cups of boiling water). Mix until the Borax dissolves. Then drop the pipe cleaner into the solution. It should not touch the bottom or sides of the jar. Allow to sit overnight. Click here for more detailed instructions.

You can form other shapes and food coloring is optional. Valentine hearts would be fun to make!

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